

„Hamilton 2.0 –
The Happiness of the Earth
lLies on the Horseback“
(100 x 80cm, Oil on Canvas)

The Baroque painter Johann Georg von Hamilton (1672-1737) created in 1700 this “painting of a pinto horse from the studfarm Eisgrub” of the Prince Johan Adam Andreas I. of Liechtenstein.

In this painting, he presents a black-white drawing of the fur which, on first glance, seems to follow merely mimetic criteria. An intuitive analysis of the used forms, however, makes explicit clear allusions to cartography. But these allusions just remain attempts. Hence, an update of the picture tries to compensate this by an equal-area projection of the world map. Moreover, a new title with the topic “happiness” discloses an additional metaphysical dimension of the merely iconographical representation Hamilton gives of the horse.